Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Leopard

It was hard to get into this film, but once I did I truly enjoyed it. The pacing, plot line, and structure was not traditional to narrative storytelling, which made things seem very slow. But once I realized that intentions of the film it made sense. It seems to me that besides the Prince and the political struggles of the time, the most important aspect to show the audience is how the people lived. I love period piece films, and this is one of the best ones I've ever seen. The whole movie had realistic costumes, props, locations, etc... I was very impressed with the ballroom scene. It lasted a very long time, but it was beautiful. There were so many extra scenes of dancing, crowds of people talking, intimate couples, eating, drinking and more. I feel like nothing was left out. The party lasted until dawn, and I can imagine everything that happened because of all the details included. 

Overall, the art direction of the film was fantastic. All the shot choices and locations were amazing. Each shot had so much depth and texture to it. Once again I'm impressed by the beauty of this film and how much effort went into it. There are many times where the emphasis is put on the location. The film was established well with the beginning sequence of homes and countryside. Also there are many landscape shots and views of the residential area of Sicily. It seems to give a constant reminder about the people who are living there. It reminds of what the Prince said. He said that the people of Sicily are asleep, inactive. That nothing will change unless they want the change. During all the landscape and residential shots, the land seems so calm and serene; almost like the whole area is asleep. 

It also reminds me of Roman holiday in that it made Sicily seem like a dream vacation and a wonderful place to go to. Though it was unstable at first, it ends in a state of happiness and rebirth, symbolized by the new engage couple Angelica and TanCredi (spelling?). 

It was very long, but I think it was worth the watch! 


  1. I agree that once I realized the intentions of the director the movie I began to see it in a new light, and focused on the scenery he was trying to show, instead of thinking that the movie dragged on and on.
    The ball scene was also one of my favorites. I am a fan of old-age romances and stories such as Pride and Prejudice and the Young Victoria, so I was particularly interested in Angelica and Tancredi.
    It's interesting that you think the shots show a sleeping Sicily. I never actually thought of it that way, but looking back I think that you are right. The people seemed so focused on their everyday lives that they were living in at a stand-still.

  2. I found the characters to be boring and although the films sets and overall production value were very well done it was difficult to care for the characters as they were just so boring and following them through their everyday lives might of been nice but since it was made in the early 60's it just seemed like we were missing some of the nice dirty bits of their life and at three hours it was just all around too much.
