Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ciao, Professore! Pt. 1

I'm really enjoying this movie. The children are hilarious with their grown-up attitudes, swears and livelihoods. There is always chaos in and out of the classroom until the professor accidentally hits a student.  He finds out that the only way to get their respect is through physical abuse, but he is not willing to use that method because it is shameful. Still, the next day he apologizes and they still listen to him; they are still being respectful. They were even waiting in class for him to arrive. After that day of class the professor decides to stay in Corzano to help these kids.

Corzano is a twisted place. The adults are all corrupt, and useless. They have children, but then lay around too drunk all day to take care of them. So instead, the children have to grow up early to take care of their siblings and even work for their family illegally. These children have no childhoods. And even worse, the adults don't care about what the children are missing out on by becoming adults right away. They don't receive an education. They will end up just like there parents; washed up.

The professor automatically sees 100 things wrong with the school system, let alone Corzano. He wants to make changes for the better, but Mimi and the principal don't want anything to change. They scold the professor every day for his nerve, complaining about their system. Mimi and the principal don't care about the needs of the children, only about themselves. I'm sure some great changes will happen by the end of the movie, I can't wait to find out!


  1. Because of the poverty into which they were born, the children had to grow up too soon. Even as young as eight, several of them are the responsible people in their households, in charge of cleaning and cooking, as well as being responsible for their younger siblings.
    The Professor immediately realizes that these things are wrong, but his attempts to rectify them only result in troubles for himself. The Principal makes me really angry, because of her support of the on goings at her school. If my janitor didn't ring the alarm on time, I would fire him lickidysplit.

  2. I bet you were surprised what changes actually took place - the prof changing rather than the South!. Strange reversal of children and adults...this is oddly functional in this film.
