Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Gomorrah

I wrote my blog, but never posted it - Oops!

The realism of this movie truly impressed me. I was completely blown away. As many others pointed out, this film focuses on the parts of Italy tourists don't go to. The parts that aren't in the movies, aren't on post-cards, etc... This part of Italy needs money to go into the community, to the people. It needs reform and uncorrupt authority. The people living there are stuck. The Mafia is in charge, and if someone owes them something they aren't allowed to leave. But, even if your debt is complete, there is always something else they will keep you around for. There is no getting out and so this poor community will never grow. The mafia has all the money and power, and they don't care about what the people need. This is depressing. When most people think about italy they think about famous ruins, great food, festivals, art, music, etc... No one thinks about some of the needs Italy has, it's mostly seen as a get-a-way vacation spot.


  1. Don't worry, at least you wrote one (There's only one other person besides the two of us with blogs up, so I can only do two comments for this movie)

    Anywho, I basically agree with what you are saying. This movie was defiantly more real and hardcore than other movies that we have seen. Many Italian movies try to romanticize the country, but Gomorrah takes us right into the heart of the poor communities controlled by the mafia. The mafia tells them where to go and when, they basically control the residents entire life. The people are either too poor to get out, or to involved to try.

  2. Isn't it great how much control the mafia has over it's people? I think that just goes to show that power only begets more power and that breaking the cycle is so incredibly difficult to do that it just leaves it so that one day the socio-political powers will make it be that the lineage of that the mafia bestows on the future will make so that these people are kings and the people that their actions affect and destroy, their measly subjects. Just ridiculous.
