Wednesday, January 26, 2011


What is the source of your interest in Italy?
My main interest in Italy comes from my family. My mother's side of the family is Italian. Unfortunately, the last person in the family that could speak the language was my great grandmother who recently passed away in 2009 after turning 100 years old.

Also, Italy is one of my top places to travel to if I ever get the chance.

What do you know about Italy?
I know a little about it's art, music, history, language and architecture. Also, I recently did a real estate project on areas in Toscana, which taught me a lot about how life is there.

How and where did you learn it?
I learned it from many history and art history courses. The real estate project I learned about in Intermediate Italian 1.

What would you like to learn more about Italy?
I love learning about art and culture. One of the best ways to do that, I believe, is through film.

What Italian films have you seen?
Pane e Tulipani, La Strada, The Battle of Algiers, Open City, Cinema Paradiso, The Bicycle Thief.